Sunday, January 11, 2009

Summary of Uganda Mission by Team & Pastors

UGANDA November 1-14, 2008

Team Leader: Fran Hallgren

Highlights from the Team


Powerful was His presence in the midst of us as we fasted, prayed, and came to know each other through our conference calls. Anointed was the leadership of Fran and Janet as the many details were communicated to us. We were a Team with a divine mission from the hand of God, submitted to His authority. I am still awed and brought to tears as I recall just how much a Team we were from the moment we met at the airport. Getting to know the heart of each one, hearing their testimonies of Jesus' redeeming love, and witnessing their proclamation of His Word deepened my love for each one – how different, how unique, but one in min, purpose and Spirit. My part in all this seems so small, yet what God did in Uganda with ten ordinary women will always be the highlight of the trip. What a delight and joy were the Ugandans. Warm, welcoming, gentle, and humble from the first embrace at Entebbe Airport. (They were) calm, respectful and so grateful that we would sacrifice our time and funds to come encourage and visit them. Their trust of Jesus in us humbled me over and over. ...I will never be the same...I came to realize the fullness of the power and authority we have as children of God and believers in the redemption of the cross of Christ. Each email from Uganda confirms that the good work begun will continue. I praise God that I was called to be part of this Team that did a transforming work in Uganda. (Joy also kept the receipt book and had a particularly good teaching called: Count It All Joy (Becoming Mature Fruit. Joy also took on the responsibility of heading up Sub-Team C in Mbale).


My passion was going to the orphanages, schools, hospitals and prisons, sharing the Word with the Evangecubes to bring them to salvation. The children were all so beautiful with their beaming smiles. Watching their faces as we did the puppet shows and making bead necklaces with them was heart-wrenching and heart-warming. But, oh! Seeing them raise their little hands to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior was just awesome! The hospital was a hard place. Phyllis, Donna, Elise and myself ministered to the HIV patients, the pregnant women, and all those in the waiting room...with evangecubes followed by the salvation prayer. We prayed individually for them for healing and deliverance of the spirit of death and heaviness. Three of us went to the prison (Holly, Robin and myself). When (the prisoners) came in, both men and women, they all clapped for us. I shared my testimony; Holly did the Evangecube, and Robin showed the Evangecube to the women (who were separated from the men). Most all said the salvation prayer. The men all got down on their knees in the mud for prayer. It was a very humbling experience. They were open to receive the Lord. (Judy met every challenge with grace and excitement. Holy Spirit told me to put her “on the block” to do the message at the first Evangelistic Crusade. She was great! and stretched.)


When we (sub-team A) arrived in Entebbe with Martha and Obed, we had 60 Aglow women waiting for us in the church. We taught them how to receive and minister the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. I felt the Spirit leading me to speak to just the Aglow Officers at another time. Another afternoon we all spoke to the youth; Phyllis giving her testimony and Holly doing the Evangecube. Three young people received a deliverance, including the youth leader. It was about 8:30 or 9:00 pm. Pastor Moses said there were about 50 leaders waiting for us in the church (in Entebbe). God said: Open your mouth and He would fill it. And He did! We encouraged them and believed God was going to raise them up to evangelize other nations. We ended up praying for each one that came forth (and they all did!) The anointing was so strong, I got drunk. After getting to my room, I could not raise off the bed without Holy Spirit laughter. Holly came to get me to come and eat, and I literally could not raise off the bed and she got a dose also. God knows what we need and how to restore. (Donna was invaluable, having been to Africa a few times before. At 78, mature and full of depth, her teachings on Tithing to Freedom and Baptism in the Holy Spirit were important and transforming for all.)


A young lady stopped us on our way to the Kyenjojo hotel and frantically asked us to come pray for her sister. We followed her around the shopping buildings to a little brick building where a beautiful, young African girl looked like she was dying of AIDS. She had an IV in her arm. Oh! The love of Jesus we felt as we ministered to her. At one place, our van was stopped with an urgent request for prayer ; an elderly lady was sitting on a mat at the side of the road, holding her chest. She was complaining of sever chest pain and had an irregular pulse. We prayed for healing in the name of Jesus Christ. Then I asked her how did she feel? The biggest smile came on her face and her eyes lit up! Back at the hotel, Holly and I reflected on how immediately the pain left her and we gave praise to God Almighty for His healing power. (Phyllis was one whose flight was delayed. She reported that though bothersome, there was a purpose. The next day she had a divine appointment on the flight! She shared her testimony and prayed with an African man. Apparently a minister was in front of her and to her side, who heard Phyllis and later remarked “Wow! You shared Jesus in such a loving way. Good job!)


he first church in Mbale was Pastor Rose's, The River of Life. Joy gave her testimony and I preached. The praise and worship was so powerful that it brought the presence of our Lord Jesus in the place. We were standing on holy ground!! We had to fall to our knees because we could not stand. Joy and I prayed and prophesied over every person including all the babies and children. We were so blessed. The last place we shared our Lord, we experienced a lot of spiritual warfare! Satan did not want us there! Pastor Imelda drove us; a long journey. We drove up to a place where we had to come to a stop and a wide board of 3”-4: spikes. (There are police checkpoints here and there in Uganda.) Pastor Imelda did not see them, and drove over the board of spikes. Police officers were bewildered. Normally, if you do not stop behind that board, you are fined. But Pastor Imelda had God's favor. We drove off and continued to drive for another hour. Now, in the natural, the tires should have been shredded!! Yet we drove to our destination and WOW! Only the front right tire was low and not any marks on any of the tires! At that place, then, I preached on the importance of being baptized in the Holy Spirit. Many came forward for salvation and baptism in the Holy Spirit. I led the people in prayer and many began speaking in their heavenly language. There was one man having a difficult time. Pastors helped and prayed. We later found out that this man happened to be the head of witchcraft in his community! Demons manifested and were cast of of many people. Thee was Victory! In the house of God!!! (Robin was a joy and a hoot! Compassion, prayer, joy and submission were her hallmarks.)


On the mountain, Fran had the rooster puppet and drawing the children near with “Jesu akwagala” (Jesus loves you. Suddenly she said “Elise! Get your evangecube!” I did the Cube and led several of these children to Christ right there! The presence of the Holy Spirit was so strong at the conference. That morning, I felt the Lord telling me to do my teaching on Eleven Lies/Eleven Truths about Father God. In the middle of my teaching, about the 8th truth (from Scripture) a person in the back started screaming and groaning. Fran said he lept across several chairs like a leopard. Annette, my interpreter said not to worry, he has demons. That was proof to me that the Truth was being spoken and Satan didn't like it. Other pastors took the man outside for deliverance. It did not really interrupt the meeting at all. A girl, Anna, from one of the worship teams and her friend taught Fran and I an African dance. I hoped she was kidding when she said we were going to dance on stage with them that night at the Crusade! But they weren't kidding. They called us up AND added new steps! I kept bumping into the poor person on my right, but it was a wonderful experience. I was definitely S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-D...but here are some things learned. Trust God; He will show up. Do it afraid. Step out and be bold and courageous and God will do the rest. It's not about me, but God. (Elise was a complete joy to have on this team, always ready and excited to step out in something new, ministry, food, whatever, and she did so with a very humble and teachable spirit.)


The mission trip was very good; the people were very warm and friendly. Good food and good fellowship. The Lord blessed the services – many were saved, healed and set free by the power of God. It was an awesome trip; I would do it again, the Lord willing. We had a great team leader and team that the Lord put together, and great people in Uganda to work with. The people there were ready and hungry for the Lord. Many asked if we were coming again next year. Many pastors visited the homes where we were staying, still seeking teaching about things of God. I am very honored to have been a part of this team. I have been encouraged, blessed and helped tremendously, although stretched at times. This mission is one I will not forget. (Fay was also on the March '08 Philippine team. Faithful, dependable and capable; she is able to speak to large groups and small, always giving God full honor for His work in any meeting.)

Jill Torgerson

During the last leg of our trip, four of us went many, many miles over pot-holed roads along with Imelda to a little village which was just being established. The concrete venue had never been used for a Christian meeting before. Immediately we noticed witchcraft articles (bags of charms/items) hanging from the rafters, windows, etc. We knew right away that we had to do some major spiritual warfare before we could meet-so we spent 45 minutes cleansing it, commanding evil spirits to flee. When the meeting got underway, the first speaker had a hard time 'breaking through' due to so many we (decided) on a praise/worship session, claiming the Blood of Jesus, etc. Finally, we broke through and the people came forward for ministry. Many deliverances, salvations, baptisms in the Spirit resulting. The Holy Spirit moved in a major, powerful way. One man who came forward said he wanted to be baptized in the Holy Spirit – so we prayed for him. Nothing happened, so I asked him to raise his hands and praise Jesus, which he could not do. Then he started writhing like a snake, foaming at the mouth and body contorting. I asked one of the local Pastors to take over, as they preferred to have men minister to men, especially in deliverance. After a time, the man was delivered and the spiritual leaders in the town rejoiced as he was the main leader for the witchcraft clan in the city! Now he was set free and God was glorified! (Jill had a notable teaching on personal prophetic declaration, where she used a slingshot to shoot 'declarations' into the air and then invited some of the people to come forward and do the same. Great!)

Holly Lambert

Uganda is one of the poorest nations in the world. One of the best things we brought with us was HOPE, but this did not diminish the importance of daily miracles. Just our very presence brought the people of Uganda hope. Our total mission was focused on ministry, which did not leave time to see large game or gorillas. The best way I can describe our schedule was some kind of time warp in which you might say “How could that mission team have done so much?” Because of the intensity of this mission, let me just share something that really stuck in my mind besides visiting all the childrens at schools and orphanages where our hears were stolen by the children singing. Robin, Judy and I agreed to go do a jail ministry. It was a distance, and I wondered how they know where they are going with no road signs. We started out on one of the few paved roads, but then onto a dirt pot-hole road, then another, and another! Some roads were not much more than two tire tracks. As we finally approached the jail, we stopped for prayer. The head jailer was not pleased with our arrival...nevertheless, he allowed us in. Judy is what I call an expert in jail ministry. She gave a testimony and I gave a salvation message. The men responded to the message of Christ's forgiveness and bowed their heads, praying that Christ would enter their lives. It was a powerful time as we saw hardened prisoners with new expressions on their faces. All but two received Christ! Meanwhile, Robin met with the (smaller population) of women. Thanks be to God for the wonderful mission we had. (Holly also got her feet 'wet' in the Philippines '08 mission. She is full of the Spirit, but also level-headed. And no one can match Holly when it comes to quoting Scripture with FIRE!)

Uganda National Aglow Leader, Imelda Bwayo and husband Patrick along with many of the National Board and other pastors at Victory PartyImelda: “I thank God for the great ministry and the transformation Spirit from the Lord that followed the Team as they ministered in the various places. The Lord was able to do wonders through the team. The evil one fought tooth and nail, but we were more than conquerors in Christ Jesus. “Aglow is on demand by men and women everywhere in the country. The ministry is going to explode! Generally the mission was very powerful and transforming. Many of us will never be the same. We really praise and thank God for blessing us.” These next comments were emailed to me from various Ugandan and Kenyan pastors: .

Pastor David Busobozi “We are very sure that the Lord sent you in time and with a timely message. We loved your teachings and were blessed so much....the girls (at our school) were so excited and blessed by your prayers and love you shown them. They always give testimony about your visit for the encouragements they got.” .

Pastor Paul: “Thank you for saying yes to the Lord to come. Your coming has done a lot in the hearts of my people, in the land, to business men, to families who have seen how women can stand and do the great work for the kingdom of God. ...level of anointing so your coming has changed many things spiritually, some of which cannot be easily seen by our naked eyes.” .

Pastor James Wanyonyi: “You were a blessing to us and the teachings you gave are foundational to us in Kenya. Thank you for the wonderful teachings you have brought to us. I am printing them out and will teach them at my church. The Kenyan church loves you so much. We praise God for you and your (team).”

Pastor David Mukisa: I am very happy to reach you the good news about the meeting which you held together with us in November 12th . It was a great deal! Praise the Almighty. Amen. Secondly, we were invited to open 6 Aglow chapters in Pallisa District and in Budaka District, so we are still in need of your prayers and support so that we may be able to serve the Lord and to accomplish the vision of Aglow International in Uganda. .

Excerpts from The Circular of Our Appreciationand the way forward in Aglow International as Kabwangasi ChapterOur dear friends, we would like to let you know our determination with the voice which we have as Kabwangasi as a Chapter. Since Aglow meetings began in 2003 in Kabwangasi Sub-county as a whole, we have received many different testimonies and changes which Aglow International has done in women, it has encouraged women to approach their fellow women who are unbelievers, to be determined and get devoted in God's word through your seminars in our area and not only in the spirit but also physical help like the gifts of nets* you sent. Therefore as Kabwangasi Aglow Women, we reach this message to appreciate our dear visitors Aglow Transformation ministry from USA for that great love shown to us. Our vision to come up with a strong urge to serve the Lord with a faithful heart through meetings, door to door evangelism and to hold two general seminars every year. We also hope to be inviting our neighboring sub-counties to benefit together with us. Finally...we believe Aglow ministry to cover the whole district of Pallisa and others around us for women to shine in Uganda as a whole, as women in USA shine. (* the nets are through Fran Lance's Aglow ministry there.)

by Fran Hallgren

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