Sunday, January 11, 2009

Letter from Aglow President Imelda of Uganda

Dearest Fran, Elise, Donna, Phyllis, Judy, Robin, Fray, Holly, Jill, Joy,

You and the Transformation Team are still fresh on our memories because you are very warm people. We enjoyed every moment you were with us. We value the work of ministry each one of you served in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to Uganda Aglow ladies and all Ugandan people you fellowshipped with. We also thank you for every help you gave to orphans.

We have dreams that you will in future days visit us again and again. We pray that our dreams will come to pass. We will not get tired of dreaming until you will come again.

We will always give praises to the Lord for the commission, for the protection and the care He gave you while you were here and for the work of ministry well done. We are angels that visited us that we will never forget that were sent from the Lord.

Your coming to Uganda, I am sure will give each one of you a new vision of team work for serving the Lord and His people. We learnt a lot from your team and feel more prepared for missions.

The Lord anoint each one of you and your eyes of understanding with God's wisdom and knowledge for ever and ever.

We Love you.

Pastor Patrick and Pastor Imelda.

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