Saturday, January 24, 2009

From Our Mission Pastor Saazi Mwesige Godfrey

My picture of the year...

When no one is there to encourage you do it yourself. As I went through some of our ministry pictures for this year, the Lord gave me a message as I looked at this picture. We were doing ministry in the Acholi land where the Lords Resistance Army rebels had spent over 17 years fighting the Ugandan government. Our van broke down we were worn out because we had worked in the IDP camps for 9 days. In this region the language is one of the most difficult to speak or understand, communication was a problem.

My team members decided to go to the near by village to look for something to eat, the nearest trading center was about 5 miles away from us, I stayed behind with John our driver, after 3 hours our members were not coming back. I was exhausted from riding our bicycle where the van could not go. Now the van was broken down, there was no hope of finding parts needed for repair. The money for buying parts was not even there if the parts were to be found. Everyone was asking me as a leader, what do think? What are we going to do? Are we safe here? Is there any hope of getting away from here?
When everything turns against you turn to the Lord.

This reminded me of another instance about two years ago, working with a team from SPAN; we were doing crusades in the villages of Kyangwali Hoima district. It was a rainy season, right when we picked up the microphone to preach, a heavy down pour came, we braved the rain and a few people gave their lives to Christ. The rain did not stop; we boarded our van to drive back to a small town where we stayed. On the way our van got stuck in a small river where the small bridge had been washed away by the rain, we tried all we could, people from the village came to help, but we could not get the van out the mud, this exercise took us over 5 hours, we were giving up. The leader of the Span team Dennis, encouraged himself and his team to start on walking the more than 10 kilometers, it was dark and muddy walking through bushes and forest, by the time we got home it was 6 in the morning. When every thing turns against us we need to trust God for direction.

Reflecting upon all this the Lord said to me you are the leader, encourage yourself, decide on the way forward. I was reminded of how David after winning great victories had come home, only to find that every thing in the camp was destroyed even, the families taken by the enemy. Everyone in the camp was crying, and all people turned against him. The Bible says in I Samuel 30:6, “… But David strengthened himself in the Lord His God.” after all David’s tears, he inquired of God and He gave him direction to pursue the enemy. Through the Lord’s help David and his army brought home their possessions, recovering everything the enemy had stolen.
Never despair, God will always make a way out for you.

God brought a truck coming from Southern Sudan, which helped to tow us to Gulu a town, where we could get help.

I pray the message will bring hope to you in your times of trouble.

God bless you.

Saazi Mwesige Godfrey.

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