Thursday, March 26, 2009

Do You Hear a Call for a Short Term Mission ?

Want to get 'out of the box' and have an adventure with God? Does your heart desire to 'go to the uttermost parts of the earth'? Is the Holy Spirit igniting your transformed spirit to become a transformer in the nations through the power and authority of Jesus Christ?

Lift your voice by joining an Aglow Transformation Team Adventure and
outreach in another country in 2010. It’s time to sign up NOW! God's
hand is on these teams and miracles flow from His grace! All past teams
have been dramatically transformed, and ignited in glorious ways!
Pray, Step Out and Sign Up Today, with your Transformation Team Director
Janet Mangum at or the team leaders listed below.

Philippines - Samar - January 29 - February 10
Evangelism, Training, church planting, encouraging Aglow
Pam Palagyi Team Leader - Joy Vishny Assistant Leader
Contact for more information and application RIGHT AWAY!
Approximate price $3500 from U.S.

Peru, Outside Lima - Approx dates: March 14-26
Evangelism, Training, encouraging Peru Aglow
Janet Mangum Team Leader and Mirta Patrono South American Aglow Leader
contact for more information and application:
Approximate price $3200 from U.S.

Philippines - Samar - April 5-20
Evangelism, Training, Church Planting, Encouraging Aglow
Shirley Terris Team Lader - Rindy Reeves Assistant Leader
Contact for more information and application
Approximate price $3500.

June possibility - Brazil and Uruguay with Janet Mangum as team leader.

Africa - Uganda - June 5-19
Evangelism, Training, encouraging Uganda Aglow, medical clinic
Fran Hallgren, Team Leader
Assistant Leader Fay Williams and Medical Assistant Leader Teresa Etter
contact for more information and application:
Approximate price $4600-$4800 from U.S.

Cost of trip includes all housing, food, transportation, medical
insurance, administration and any airport fees, permits for meetings and
costs for training events.

You may read testimonies at of previous trips! If you would
like to talk to a previous team member let the Team Leader know and we
will give you a phone number to call and chat. If you want to ask
questions email the team leader and ask for her phone #. Men are also
welcome to apply. Age 18 and up unless accompanied by a parent.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Uganda Mission Team Member Shares Personal Story

Please let me share something very personal with you today. I was one of those kids that grew up in a church and wished I hadn’t. I just wanted a normal life with no responsibility of having to think about who God is or what He wants.

As a child, listening to Sunday school lessons, hearing talk about God in church, and watching church people left me in a confused and agitated state. I couldn’t figure out why there are so many denominations and why they don’t get along. Or why they say God is loving and yet, are so mean to each other.

I invited Jesus into my life when I was five years old and then resented that I had given my life to anything or anybody before I even knew what my life was to give. As an adult, I attended church and tried to be a Christian, but eventually gave up. When I drank alcohol, I became an alcoholic. I got married and divorced twice. I was afraid, angry, frustrated and kept trying to work out my life by myself.

As my way of living exhausted me, I started to wonder about God. It made sense to me to go to the Bible, the source, instead of a church for answers. I started reading the Bible daily with one question in mind: “Who is God and what is He really like?” I found that Jesus said He came in love to point the way to God.

The Bible says he is the loving, healing, God of peace. I discovered that following Jesus put me on a path of peace and happiness I had never known before. I learned He is pleased with me and has a plan for my life. It’s such a peace to know that I’m on my way home to Heaven with him when I die. Following him hasn’t made me perfect, just forgiven.

I am sharing this with you today because I am concerned about the stresses we live in. I want you to be able to know the same peace, happiness, belonging to God’s family, and assurance for eternity that I have found. To really find Jesus, I had to search for Him personally, and not just a religion. It is wonderful to be in a relationship with the living Jesus Christ.

I prayed something like this: “Jesus, if you are real, will you come into my heart and live in my life? Show me how to let you be Lord of my life.” If you haven’t done this yet…please pray something like this for yourself and find the treasure that I have found. And thank you for reading my story.

Phyllis King

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Journal by Elise Cox Mission Uganda

Africa Trip November 1st-15th

Aglow International Team Members are: Fran Hallgren = Team Leader, Aglow International Transformation Team Donna Andes Robin Bachini Elise Cox Phyllis King Holly Lambert Joy Mosley Judy Smith Jill Torgerson Fay Williams

Local Pastors/Leaders include: Pastor Godfrey, Grace Outreach Missions Uganda Sister Imelda Bwayo, National Aglow leader

Day 1 Austin to Houston

Houston Airport- I had trouble finding the gate. The gate number was not on the screens. The gate was A something and that confused me tooJ. God it’s just me and you now. I trust you will show up!! I don’t know what to expect but I know it is going to be beyond anything I can imagine. I pray Lord that I will make my international flight. I was getting so stretched !! Flight delay, no gates on the screen or on the boarding pass. Very long line at United airlines. I didn’t know if that was where I was supposed to check in or not. Didn’t want to stand in the wrong line and then possibly miss my flight. I got a lady’s attention who was in the front of the line. She asked the man at United whether or not I needed to check in. He in turn said my flight was delayed. Thank God at least I didn’t have to worry about missing my flight.

I finally got through the line and Patricia helped me. She caught my bags in time to have them checked all the way to Entebbe. That will save time since I will only have a hour before the next flight. Patricia said I would make it. I had to give up my $3 water. Then I realized there was no gate # on my ticket or on the screens. There was no one at the United counter. Had to go back to the main check in counter and get the gate then go through security again. 3:47 PM I am on the plane to DC.

I am still being stretched. It is not a comfortable thing but I know it will be so rewarding. I don’t want to fail. I want to give my absolute best!

I don’t want to look back on anything and have any regrets. Lord, please make me bold, enthusiastic, passionate. Please show up Lord. Stepping out is not comfortable but I must push back those feelings of being uncomfortable. I chose now to live in the moment. Enjoy every second. I will not let tiredness or fear, fear of failure hold me back. Lord, I pray for a pure heart, love overflowing, and that I will make my flightJ. Please give me the words to say Lord. The unknown is uncomfortable in fact it kind of hurts a little bit. I guess that is what it is all about. What if God told me everything was going to be great? Then I would relax and enjoy. Well, it’s going to be great. So I need to relax and enjoy every bit of it! I made it to DC. I had only 1 hour due to the flight delay. I was about to get on a shuttle to a different part of the airport and a man asked me where are you going? I said KLM Royal Dutch Airlines. He said I don’t know where it is exactly but I know it’s not on that shuttle. He told me to go up the stairs and there it was. KLM!! If that man wouldn’t have been there I would have probably missed my flight. I had a seamless check in no lines. Then I called Fran I met everyone at a Hamburger place it the airport. I was relived to get there and get to fly with the group. Thank you Jesus. It was great meeting everyone finally face to face I felt a bond already. Minus 3 that didn’t make it yet.

Day 2 11/2/08

Airport in Amsterdam Lady in line for security trying to start a fight with Robin and I. This was spiritual for sure. It took at least 20 -30 minutes to get through. The lady asked what denomination we were, who are we trying to convert, had problems with me drinking out of plastic water bottles, and did not like President Bush or Sarah Palin. I was praying that I wouldn’t have to sit by her in the planeJ. Later, Robin and I prayed for her. There are a lot of people hurting in the world. She would be a great witness for Christ. Holy and I prayed. God showed up! Found Judy she had Robin’s boarding passJ. Fran and Joy had to check in. I met some other missionaries in line.


Kenya Air flying to Entebbe. I am so excited but still have to fight back fear. Slept most of the way on the last flight, that was good. God, please you have to show up. 3 of our team members missed the flight due to delays and flight cancellations. Thank God it wasn’t meJ. I was getting a little homesick on the last flight. I wasn’t sitting with anyone I knew. I looked at the picture of John and Lesley that I took before I left. I felt better. There is no turning back now. I might as well make the most of it.

Great welcome from Pastor Godfrey and his staff. They gave us hugs and greeted us.

Day 3 11/03/08

Breakfast Devotion and communion Ruth-gave the Bible too. I had the Bible for over a year. And they came up and asked if anyone had a Bible. I got to pray for Ruth and sign her Bible. What a blessing! Met Jackson1, Jackson 2, and Paul. Godfrey’s school-did e cube and puppets. Stickers. As we were leaving a girl came up to Fran and I and wanted to pray for salvation. Then another boy wanted knowledge. Went out where the younger kids were. I knelt down and all the kids wanted to grab my hand. All the kids were standing but when I knelt down the whole line of kids copied me and knelt down tooJ They touched my skin. They were so SWEET!! That really touched my heart. We ate lunch at the biggest mall in Uganda. We got swarmed with different menus. The workers from different restaurants trying to get us to buy from their restaurant. 4 hour drive to Kenjojo. Very green and lush here. Lots of vegetation. Bumpy and fun ride. My first experience using a pit latrine. Driving is crazy here. We had a good driver. A lot of honkingJ. Made it to Kenjojo the hotel is really nice! We had a wonderful dinner. Going to bed now crusade starts tomorrow at 9.

Day 4 11/04/08

Waking up to different noises, birds, animals, fog, and palm trees. Usually if you say the conference will start at 9 people will get there at 10 or 11 Go to schools and resume the conference this afternoon. It’s all about being FLEXIBLE. Met Pastor Aninia started the first Pentecostal church in Kenjojo. Also met Pastor David, Pastor Victor, Pastor Isaac, and Joan.

Pastor Victor was leading the crusade the day I taught on the Father heart of God. He talked about no men being with usJ. Wilbur is driving us and helping us with ministry. I am on the prison hospital team and will be sharing a 5 minute testimony at the crusade tonight. Slept good. I can’t believe I’m in Africa!! Fran gave us our team shirts and raise up on eagle ear rings. We will stay in Kyenjojo until Saturday morning because we wanted one more day for the crusade. 2 schools and 1 Jail did e cube at jail. Robin and Donna and I shared short greeting. 5 guys one girl. Most surrendered their life to the Lord. I believe by faith they are delivered. Little hut. Blessing to go to the jail to give hope. Donna prayed for the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus you are the answer they need. 2nd school did evangecube. Most of the kids raised their hands to submit their life to the Lord. Made necklaces. The kids sang songs to us in English. They were so cute and animated! Stuck twice while driving. The driver stopped the van and put it in 4 wheel drive and we drove off. Jill, Phil, and Fay made it!! Praise God Healing Conference. It was amazing. I shared a 5 minute testimony. It was smooth and I wasn’t nervous. That was God and all the prayersJ. Judy preached and many people surrendered their life to the Lord. 10 prayer lines. We each prayed for 10-20 people. Two people in my lines were shaking from the power of the Holy Spirit. It was powerful.


CNN- Election on at the Hotel.
We found out Obama won.

59 uneven steps to get up to our rooms. No elevator. A lot of exerciseJ.

God showed up!

He was there in my sermon. I spoke at the conference. I taught on the 11 lies and 11 truths. People seemed to get in to it and get into my testimony. I ran out of time but I did as much as I could. Someone in the audience when I got to the 8th truth about Father God started screaming and moaning and the Pastors had to take him outside for deliverance so I know something was right there. The truth was being spoken and Satan didn’t like it. It was pushing me out of my comfort zone I had to do it afraid because first of all when Fran gave that to us last night I was too tired to practice last night and I thought Fran wanted me to teach on thoughts but then I found out after looking over thoughts at 7:00 AM the schedule said 11 lies that was the one with the least amount of practice. So I told them a little short testimony and I started so fast Fran had to tell me to slow down because they couldn’t understand it but I was excited and nervous all at the same time.

Told them a little bit about me growing up and me being a twin about our Mom dying and about our Dad and me getting saved and it flowed. At first I didn’t give the scriptures but they wanted the scriptures so they could write it down so I started giving the scriptures to them. It was really good. It went really well. I was getting so stretched since I had never really taught before and now I would be teaching 300 pastors. I was crying out to God.

I’m so glad I just went for it because fear would have held me back and fear would have said no don’t do it and I did it and God showed up. And it’s not about me but right when I walked in there I was at the end of myself because I had never taught before and I’m teaching pastors. I felt like the Lord spoke to my heart that he wanted his people to know that he loved them and if they already knew he wanted me to remind them. I felt a peace after that. I stayed at the pastor’s conference the whole day.

When I wasn’t teaching I interceded for Fran, Donna, and Jill. The presence of the Holy Spirit was so strong especially that morning in worship. Tears were streaming down my face. I felt God’s love and peace. After my teaching a Pastor in the front row gave me a huge smile and a thumbs up. I will not forget that. It felt so good. He encouraged me so much. Annette my translator and Pastor David’s wife said my teaching was an on time word. I had to stop my teaching when a man started manifesting. The truth was being spoken and the demons didn’t like itJ. Walk by faith not by sight. It has nothing to do with me. Jill did an awesome preaching.

After Jill’s preaching she called for anyone to come up who wanted prayer. Prayed for 3 or 4 people. I prayed for Anna for wisdom and a mother then she handed me her beautiful baby and I prayed for the baby. It was so touching. Such a sweet experience. I was holding the baby and praying for her and the baby was beautiful. I was honored to get to pray for a pastor at the conference. He knelt down with his arms lifted high and I knelt down too.

I didn’t have an interpreter all he said was pastor I’m a pastor. When I ran out of words to pray I prayed in the Spirit. Refreshing and all this other stuff it was an amazing experience. So much fun. I will never forget that. The experience stretched me to the core I was crying. I thought I was going to break down and cry this morning because I’ve never taught before but now it’s over God got me through. God showed up, He showed up. Thank you Jesus for showing up because without you there would be nothing but there was the anointing and power of Your Word and I thank you for it. It is truth that touched those lives and I pray it will not return void and it will go down deep in their hearts and they will feel your love.

Pastor David hugged me and prayed for me. That God would give me more revelation and that I would teach it and I can help people so that was another encouragement. Jeremiah 33 Last night healing crusade approximately 300 people there. 78 salvations not counting the children. Coming against condemnation in Jesus name.

The crusade got rained out. It rained so hard and lots of lightening so we had to cancel the crusade. Outside crusade it is very dangerous because of the electricity and lights. So that got rained out so we just had a great dinner. A lot of ant flies flying everywhere. It was funny. Because of the rain and they were attracted to the light. Because of the rain, there were ants flying everywhere. The ants scared Fran. We all laughed. So I just praise and thank Jesus. I’m not going to go back and look at what I could have done or what I should have done. I’m just going to move forward. Keep looking forward. I’m not going to beat myself up for what I could have done differently because it was a big step of faith for me to get out and do that speaking to 300 pastors. They seemed to receive me well and I was looking people in the face and eyes when I was telling them about God’s love. And of course I was looking at my notes and I read the scriptures but I later found out we might have offended some people at the hotel since we were taking pictures of the flying ants. I asked God for forgiveness I would never want to offend them.

The hotel is very nice and not even open yet. Took a cold shower this morning. It was COLD!!! I didn’t put conditioner in my hair because I couldn’t bear the coldness any longer. I did manage to shave my legsJ today. Pastor Godfrey still hasn’t gotten the money yet. His bank will not release it. We prayed and everybody at the conference prayed.

Thursday 11/06/08

Devo, breakfast, communion. Going to the hospital. At the hospital we prayed for the sick. Pregnant Moms-6-15 were saved. Aids ward-some saved not sure how many. General ward- approximately 30 or more saved. E cube Last two rooms-some saved not sure how many. Prayed for all the sick. After lunch we went to another school. I had my line of kids that I was praying for. Everyone was standing. I got to a shorter kid and I knelt down to pray when I finished praying I opened my eyes and my line of kids were all kneeling down just like me. I continued to pray kneeling down. Most all the kids wanted wisdom and knowledge. Before we left all of the kids wanted to shake my hand. That made me feel so good.

Went to see a grass hut at the jail. Anna taught Fran and I an African dance. I thought she was kidding when she said we were going to have to dance on stage with them that night at the conference. They called us up on stage and added new steps. It was a great experience. Prayed for approximately 20 people.

Friday 11/07/08

Conference that morning. After lunch went to the school. Older kids. 24 got saved! Took a list of names of the kids who needed Bibles. Pastor also did the HIV cube while I walked around the class showing the kids the cube. Healing Crusade-Prayed for people in the rain. Approximately 10-20 people. Had a very nice dinner.

Sat 11/08/08

Breakfast at 6:00. Plantains and Tripe were served. I didn’t feel very well that morning but I wanted to at least try the Tripe and Plantains. I did I was out of juice when I did and it was so chewy it wasn’t going down. Thankfully Fay left her juice and I quickly drank and swallowed the piece of tripe. We will drive 4 hours back to Kampala. Back in Kampala now. We have been waiting in the van for a long time now. Pastor Godfrey is still trying to get the money out of the bank. I’m thirstyJ. We prayed that the money would be released.

I was getting home sick a little bit on the drive over here. 7 more days. We will go with Imelda the rest of the time. Group separated for a couple days. Fran, Fay, and I are going with Imelda. Van kept breaking down. Fran bought me a coke at the gas station. It was so good. Pit Latrine experience at the gas station. Finally the van was fixed. Fran said the van seemed happier now. Everyone laughedJ. Traffic is crazy there are no traffic lights in the smaller towns.


Stayed at Imelda’s house. I finally learned how to flush the toilet. Have to pull the cord it 3 times. I was so happy when it flushedJ. I later found out that it wasn’t me that it took a while for the toilet to fill up with water. We worked out a system where we would fill a bucket up with water and pour it down the toilet fast due to the gravity it would flush. Shared testimony twice at World of Faith Ministries. Fay preached. Patrick went with us. Pastor Andrew’s son Joey right when we sat down he was close to me. Then he held my hand. He was 3 years old I think. I felt like God was showing me that he was right there with me holding my hand. Joey was such a blessing! What a cutie. Then after the services I told Joey that I missed him. He started saying I missed you over and over and dancing. He was so cute.

Judith got Fay, Patrick, and I cokes with straws. What a treat! Pastor Andrew introduced us and said we were from Obama landJ. Pastor Andrew had been to the US before he likes KFC and Popeye’s J. We had lunch at an Indian restaurant. The food was so good and there was 80’s music playing in the background. Shared testimony at Imelda’s church at the evening service. Imelda ran out of gas. Pastor came and got us to take us to the radio station. Fran, Fay, Elise, Imelda, Pastor Elisha. I was so S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-D!! Fran shared her testimony .God came through I was so tired. I could barely focus. Fran, Fay, Fay and I each took turn praying for callers. We had to take our shoes off before entering the radio station. Pastor Elisha would take 3 calls and then we would each pray. Over 1 million listeners. This radio station was broad cast to 3 districts. I was too tired to practice my teaching. I finally realized not to worry God gives me grace for today not tomorrow. When tomorrow comes He will give me the grace I need to teach. Major growing experience. This is an incredible trip with so much going on. Pastor Godfrey still hasn’t gotten the money yet.

Tuesday 11/10/08

Shared my teaching on thoughts. Fran said it was good and joked with me about my rocking back and forth. She said by the end of my teaching even the interpreter was rockingJ. I will try to do better next time. Later, Imelda said I did “o-key”! She said she took notes. I mentioned something about my rocking and Imelda said something like the rocking was part of who I was and represented power of GodJ. Others said I did good. I know that was God encouraging me. Pastor Elisha said I did well, thank you! Someone else called me a “preacher” Measurement for African Outfits! No water lights went out we ate and talked. It was so much fun. Pastor Tom and Elisha were there and didn’t miss a beat when the lights went out. They just kept talking. Fortunately, Donna had some good flash lights to light up the room. We had African Tea and bisquits. The electricity came back on after we had went to bed so did the light that had been left on. Fran got up and turned it off. We were happy to have the fan on again.

Tuesday 11/11/08

Interceded for Fran and Fay while they preached at Imelda’s church. Mbale city church. Holly, Phil, and Donna showed up. I was happy to see them! 14 kids got saved. Kids E cube,Stickers,Bubbles,Shaving cream Godfrey puppets. Prayed with people at the end of the service. Some people got delivered from demons.

Wednesday 11/12/08

Kabwangasi Aglow Taught on the Father’s heart. Last day of ministering except for the last orphanage tomorrow. It was funny because I had to go to the bathroom before I got up to speak. 4 hours later no one had moved. They kept saying one more song until lunch. Finally Fay and I were able to go to the bathroom. It was a long walk and it was a hole in the ground but it didn’t matter to me I just needed to goJ. I did have to pray before I went, Lord help me. It was hot in the place we were teaching but I soon forgot about the heat as God’s anointing and power fell on us. Prayed for approximately 10-20 people. Some needed healing from aids, fever, venereal disease, needed wisdom and finances for school. 19 Churches represented, 250 men and women there. Everyone there came down for prayer. Power of God moved mightily. Someone gave Fran an African outfit and Fay got a live chicken. We prayed at Catherine’s church. We went to Pastor Rose’s house. She gave us a tour of her house shared her testimony and we ate snacks and drank juice. We also prayed for Catherine and Pastor Rose’s sister and another women. Donna washed our feet. We prayed for each other. Richard rededicated his life to the Lord. He immediately looked different. He had joy.

Thursday 11/13/08

Went up on the mountain. 1 hour to get up the mountain and coming down it was pretty bumpy. Saw 3 waterfalls. Children taking baths in springs. Lots of trees and vegetation. Very beautiful. Donna blew the chofar. This decrees and declares the land for God. Disperses angels and expels demons. Prayed, worshiped, did communion. Had cokes and bisquits. Pit latrine. Fran called me over and Led 5 kids to the Lord using Kids E cube. Had to rush going to rain. We had a fish dinner at Pastor Elisha’s house. We visited the Bugema Orphanage. Evangecube a lot of kids raised their hands. Welcome song. Kids were so cute. I was so tired I was stretched but it was so good!! Beads, balloons, stickers. Gave my clothes and left over stickers to the orphanage. Celebration Dinner at a very nice restaurant. They had chicken, fried fish, cokes, tortillas, mashed potatoes. Imelda presented us our African Outfits.

Friday 11/14

Electricity off and on for the last two days Hot water bucket bath was so very good!! Chicken for breakfast, YUM. Bisquits for the road. Driving 5 hours back to Kampala Ugandan sayings: Most Welcome Nice You look smart It’s okay Gain weight so they will say Uganda is good and they will come. Ah ha You’re free Amina They say Hallelujah we say Amen Talk with lifting up of eyebrows Very animated filled with passion. African tea, passion juice, watermelon juice, pineapple, matake, bananas, peanut sauce, spaghetti, chicken for breakfast, bisquits. Bread with peanut butter at Imelda’s house, eggs, French toast. The sugar was very good. Stoney, Crest. Annette Pastor David’s wife

(the ones with the orphanage with the sewing machines)said our team so encouraged them and gave them hope. The girls that were prayed for said everything that was prayed was right on and what was on their heart. They had never experienced anything like that.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

We Honor Pastor Rose. She ministered with us now is in Life Eternal.

View Album at Shutterfly
From Pastor Patrick... Loss of Rose
With regret I and Imelda are informing you that Rose Makwetta one of Aglow National Board- Uganda members went to be with the Lord on 18th Jan 2009. She was found unconscious in the morning of the 17th Jan 2009 after going to bed the previous evening not complaining of anything. She was buried on the 19th Jan 2009. We were very shocked because Rose was one of our best friends to us. May the good Lord rest her soul in eternal peace.
Pastor Patrick
Please pass this message to the Aglow Trans Team. We have not communicated to the them. Our computer has broken down. It is old. We are praying for another.
Pastor Patrick Bwayo

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Highlights from Uganda by Holly Lambert

Highlights from Uganda.

Uganda. We found Uganda to be wonderful place, beautiful countryside, small villages and congested busy Kampala City. This country is on the list of poorest nations in the world. We fell in love with the people there. Before leaving I noted the almost non existence of information on Uganda compared to the usual plethora of information carried at our library on various countries I did find information on seeing Gorillas, one or two travel books of course mentioning the big game animals and a DVD movie called "The Last Scotsman", a few Cd's on African music. The cultural divide between the US, which the people call America, and Uganda is like comparing day with night. Although the people of Uganda, if they go to school learn English, but it's British English. Despite this wide divide God knit our hearts to Uganda. Our mission team felt the call go into the world making disciples of all nations in the name of Christ. One of the best things we brought with us was hope but this did not diminish the importance of daily miracles we saw. Hope is a very strong foundation in which to build our mission teams faith, and the faith of the Uganda people. Just our very presence brought the people of Uganda hope. I noticed this presence of hope everywhere we went to minister we were held in high regard. Our total mission was focus on ministry which did not leave time to see the large game animals or the gorillas. It was a very busy schedule, the best way I can describe our schedule was some kind of time warp in which you might say how could that mission team done so much.

Because of the intensity
of the mission let me just share a few times of ministry that have stuck in my mind besides the visiting children at schools and orphanages where our hearts were stolen by the children singing. We all loved the Ugandan singing and dancing.

Elise, Phyllis and I had just finished ministering to a school which was near to the Uganda style hotel we were staying in. We prayed for each child in the school that was over 75 children plus the teachers could not seem to resist our prayers also. No doubt the ministry conference would be mentioning that we were on another mission as our leader Fran Hallgren was the main teacher of the conference talked about leadership to the Uganda ministers and church leaders from the village of Kyenjojo. The ministers were from different denominations. As we left the school in the van we traveled on the muddy road full of pot holes some which seemed could swallow a mountain at times. Suddenly up head the Uganda Driver part of Pastor Godfrey's mission team said there was a lady up ahead who want us to pray.
We are going to stop, good I thought but the first thing that went through my head was well we can't pray for everyone, but as I saw her sitting on the ground dirty clothes I was eager to pray. We jumped out of the van to pray. She lived in what we would call less than a shack, as I approached her I saw her sitting in the dirt. Of course she was wearing a dress as most all of the Uganda women do. I noticed wooden leg- a crude wooden leg she looked old and tired. Phyllis was on her left and while I was talking to her Phyllis reached down and took her pulse. I want to know a little bit more about her before we prayed.

I began talking to her, I ask her if she was a Christian, if she had Jesus in heart. I just talked to her a little while when I could tell by her movements and her distracted look she was in tremendous amount of pain. She had the urgency look in her eyes please pray right away it was a look of desperation. Phyllis and I prayed for healing in the name of Jesus Christ. I don't remember exactly what we prayed as we laid our hands on her but I do know we prayed in faith knowing Christ would answer. Yes and the Lord did, Phyllis looked into the eyes of the woman and asked how do you feel now? All of the sudden the biggest smile came
on the face of the woman her eyes lit up. She said yes the pain has stopped. It was obvious something had happened to this woman. When we were back at the hotel Phyllis
the intensive care nurse, said to me, I think she was having a heart attack her pulse rate was very irregular. We both reflected how immediately the pain had left this woman sitting on side of the road. We gave praise to God Almighty for his healing power.

On another ministry trip I agreed to go to a jail for ministry along with Robin and Judy. We started out with some Uganda ministers one who had ministered to this very jail we were going to. We met so many minister on our mission trip it was hard to keep all their names straight. The ministers always seem excited to accompany us. We went in expectation most of the time. On this trip it was a distance away from were we were staying probably the farthest we traveled on a ministry excursion from the hotel in Kyenjojo. I wondered is how in the world did they figure out where they were going there were no road signs. We started out on one of the few paved road in Uganda but then found our way on to the dirt pot hole roads, then turned on another dirt road and another. You can almost never expect an Uganda road to be smooth even if it was a main through fare. Some of the roads we traveled on were not much more than two tire tracks. Many of of the Uganda people do not care what the roads are like after all they always walk. At times we saw groups children in colorful uniforms walking or running- many barefoot going home from school.

As we finally approached the jail we stopped and had a time of prayer. The head jailer was not pleased with our arrival because we had not made plans ahead of time to visit. Never the less he allowed us to talk to the men in the jail the women prisoners were also sitting on the side. There were about 25 men in this walled and gated jail. About 7 women also were seated outside. Judy was what I called an expert in jail ministry because she had participated in a jail ministry for quite a few years.

Judy gave a testimony of what Christ had done in her life.
I gave a salvation message. The men responded they heard the message of Christ's forgiveness. They bowed their head and prayed that Christ would enter their lives.
It was a powerful time we saw hardened prisoner's with new expressions on their face.
We ended in praying for all the prisoners individually. All but two of the men agreed to invite Christ into their heart. I am sure it was the first time for many to receive Christ forgiveness experience Christ's love. It was a wonderful time. Robin prayed many beautiful prayers over the women prisoners. Thanks be to God for the wonderful mission trip we had. We could feel the prayers of the people praying for us.

From Our Mission Pastor Saazi Mwesige Godfrey

My picture of the year...

When no one is there to encourage you do it yourself. As I went through some of our ministry pictures for this year, the Lord gave me a message as I looked at this picture. We were doing ministry in the Acholi land where the Lords Resistance Army rebels had spent over 17 years fighting the Ugandan government. Our van broke down we were worn out because we had worked in the IDP camps for 9 days. In this region the language is one of the most difficult to speak or understand, communication was a problem.

My team members decided to go to the near by village to look for something to eat, the nearest trading center was about 5 miles away from us, I stayed behind with John our driver, after 3 hours our members were not coming back. I was exhausted from riding our bicycle where the van could not go. Now the van was broken down, there was no hope of finding parts needed for repair. The money for buying parts was not even there if the parts were to be found. Everyone was asking me as a leader, what do think? What are we going to do? Are we safe here? Is there any hope of getting away from here?
When everything turns against you turn to the Lord.

This reminded me of another instance about two years ago, working with a team from SPAN; we were doing crusades in the villages of Kyangwali Hoima district. It was a rainy season, right when we picked up the microphone to preach, a heavy down pour came, we braved the rain and a few people gave their lives to Christ. The rain did not stop; we boarded our van to drive back to a small town where we stayed. On the way our van got stuck in a small river where the small bridge had been washed away by the rain, we tried all we could, people from the village came to help, but we could not get the van out the mud, this exercise took us over 5 hours, we were giving up. The leader of the Span team Dennis, encouraged himself and his team to start on walking the more than 10 kilometers, it was dark and muddy walking through bushes and forest, by the time we got home it was 6 in the morning. When every thing turns against us we need to trust God for direction.

Reflecting upon all this the Lord said to me you are the leader, encourage yourself, decide on the way forward. I was reminded of how David after winning great victories had come home, only to find that every thing in the camp was destroyed even, the families taken by the enemy. Everyone in the camp was crying, and all people turned against him. The Bible says in I Samuel 30:6, “… But David strengthened himself in the Lord His God.” after all David’s tears, he inquired of God and He gave him direction to pursue the enemy. Through the Lord’s help David and his army brought home their possessions, recovering everything the enemy had stolen.
Never despair, God will always make a way out for you.

God brought a truck coming from Southern Sudan, which helped to tow us to Gulu a town, where we could get help.

I pray the message will bring hope to you in your times of trouble.

God bless you.

Saazi Mwesige Godfrey.

A Uganda Mission Report by Holly Lambert

Fran Hallgren and Translator Uganda Teacher speak to children telling them about God's love for them in Kampala.

Kyenjojo Radio Station

Picture at Radio Station after talking on radio

(Pastors and Robin)

Thank God for this Wonderful Mission to Ugnada

by Holly Lambert

The first thing I have to say is go to Uganda, as I told the radio audience of Kyenjojo. I would recommend travel to Uganda, which some know as the Gem of Africa. It is a beautiful land with friendly people who love to see smiles. The radio audience I am told was 1.5 million. Robin Bachini and I were accompanied by three Kynenjojo ministers and our Uganda Mission Director, the ever dedicated Pastor Saazi Godfrey head of Grace Out Reach Ministries. At the radio station, KDR 96.7 FM we were allowed to give testimony- (Robin), pray for individual calling into radio show- (Robin and Holly), and tell about Aglow International Ministry- (Holly). The report back was: listeners were calling back for long time after we the station with testimonies of how God healed them physically and testimony of answered prayer, then also more prayer requests. Our visit to the radio station, opened doors so much so that the radio station was willing to give the Kyenjojo ministers the lowest possible cost a radio show slot twice a week. Pastor Godfrey claims this victory a miracle. In my opinion, it was just a taste of the many miracles we saw. After a week of ministry in the Kyenjojo, the area the ministers asked, (almost demanded) to have the team come back next year. Oddly enough, the Kyenjojo area was chosen in part because it was the beginning of the rainy season. It was felt that there would be better weather conditions for the team. The area ministers (various denominations) had never been gathered in any kind of joint mission or conference. Our mission was going to schools, jails, a hospital and a crusade and the conference was attendance by 427 attendees who were to be church leaders and pastors. And yes we fed the Church leaders a balanced meal each day which was large and enjoyed, as one church leaders told me. Food in Uganda is generally not a problem but getting a balanced diet is, but as of today, I received e-mail from Uganda stating getting food now in Uganda may be a problem because of recent floods. The poverty and need of help in Uganda is overwhelming.

The Uganda people need you your visit; in person help their economy, in prayer- to besiege God's grace to fall upon them, in giving- to help orphaned children many who at times have lacked food.

Uganda is not just a beautiful land to visit. It has people who you will fall in love with and sights and experience that cannot be explained in a travel book. The people there cry out for help in silence. They will hide their needs from you, or in the next moment be oblivious of the total different world you come from. Some how your presence brings them hope; as if the prosperity you have will fall upon them or that God above has not forgotten them. The people in their hearts carry a genuine feeling of hospitality. At a more practical level, your visit will provide them with funds as we paid to stay in their homes.

The best thing about our Uganda visit was being a bringer of the light. We carried the Gospel of Jesus Christ where ever we went. Our first week November 1-7 was with Pastor Godfrey. It was challenging week because of being immersing in a new culture; but the excitement of the mission, loving hearts of the ladies on our team, the sincere genuineness of the Pastors we met, and Fran Hallgren, our Aglow Transformation leader, helped us get through.

It was long trip to arrive at the airport in Entebbe, Uganda. At the point of exhaustion, we were met by Grace Out Reach ministry team who lovingly took on our need of transportation, carrying our luggage, arranging of lodging. They did this by faith that we were going to be ministering to Uganda in a special way. We were entrusted to carry God’s message with us. Through God’s grace, God choosing us to go forth In Christ’s name we fulfilled our mission. Our schedule was a full one. From morning till evening our team was speaking at the Pastors Conference, then with short break we off to the Crusade. In the evening at the Crusade, we gave messages of greetings, testimony of how Christ changed our lives, a message of evangelism; to give a chance for those attending to ask Christ to come into their heart.

The Uganda people were listening carefully, I observed that the Uganda women were not as free to follow as many different occupations. I mentioned in my greeting that I was a female firefighter, and they probably had not met a female firefighter. They took it as challenge, it came back to me that somewhere in Uganda they did indeed have a female firefighter.

The crusades had great results, the crusade manager reported, that over 370 people gave their lives to Christ. After the evangelist message anyone who desired could line up for prayer. All of our team prayed for each person in line by laying hand on a shoulder of the person; this could be 20- 25 people maybe more (adults and children). We used interpreter for our messages and in the prayer lines. In the prayer lines, many were touched by God, while some felt God’s presence for the first time, others were healed of physical ailments. Because of the multitude of people we were encouraged to pray for each person only a short time. As we were praying, people would get on the stage, who had just been touched by God- saying I am healed or I don’t have any more pain. They would explain the to the audience what God had just done.

On this trip we prayed for many many people. I remember praying for a man who said he could not hear well, after the prayer, we usually say how do you feel now or how is it now? The man nodded his head, yes, I can hear from that ear. Never doubt the power of God. God’s presence was there that night to heal. Praying for your prayer line was not always easy, the first night I had two ladies so unkept that smell drove me away, I could not get close to pray, it was very disturbing to me that they came forward, but I could not get close enough to lay my hand on them to pray. That same night I prayed for at least 2 aids patients and many sick people.

Our team split into at least two team durning the when the Pastors Conference (also know as the Pastor Fellowship) was going on. Often the minister would say the team is now at a school ministering to the children, or at a jail or somewhere else. That week during the conference everyday we out in mission work as some of our team minister to the church leaders. We visited schools, jails, a hospital and the radio station twice.

There were many schools, both church schools, public schools, I saw no lack of schools, but a lack of what we would call a traditional school. From our view Schools were without books or libraries, most we saw had a dirt floor, and opening in a wall for windows, many had roofs with holes in them. No play ground equipment, no athletic fields, no supply of paper in the closet, no musical instruments, no reference books or computers, many no electricity. The schools would have what they called books, which was sort of a notebook in which an amazing amount of learning would take place. Their teachers and the notebooks would prepare them to take nationalize exams to pass to the next grade. Much of the students learning is in oral fashion, so it was natural for them to sing to us. We heard many songs and all of them stole our hearts. Every student we met took Uganda National. They took the tests very seriously. It seemed we pray for extraordinary amount of students. I would say, over 90% of students requested prayer for wisdom, or prayer to pass their exams. Students were polite and followed teachers instructions. At the schools we prayed for teachers and some pastors whose ministries helped fund and run the schools.

It was humbling to us to see teachers, pastors, as their tradition called for, kneel out of respect before us, as we prayed. We laid our hands on them and prayed how ever the Holy Spirit led. This kneeling was usually on a mat but sometimes just on the dirt floor. It was such special times. God just seemed to invade the area as we prayed.

At the schools, we shared the gospel usually through a cube which tells of the good news of Christ, it’s called an evange-cube. It was very effective everywhere we went, but we also made necklaces which shared Christ, and told puppet Bible stories. One of the first schools we went to, the teacher said she had been praying for us to come for years. There are many very sincere Christians who wanted God’s touch from someone who was daring enough to cross the ocean, get out of their comfort zone, and pray a prayer believing God would speak and answer. Again it was humbling, for me to hear her say, she would indeed keep praying for us.

On the jail visit I saw hardened hearts be changed instantly as the love and forgiveness of Christ flowed into them. On this mission I was bless to give a salvation message.

In the morning our Aglow Transformation team would gather at the Kyenjojo Hotel for a devotion. Most morning we would take communion with the pre-package communion sets some 500 sets 2 boxes I stuffed in my weight limited suitcases. I tried to take as many things as possible to give to the Uganda people. I got so carried away that I decided I could indeed wear 10 bright colored t-shirts under my suit jacket to give away to some of the poorest people in the world- Uganda people. My t-shirt idea actually worked very well, until the very last flight I mentioned it to a team member and then it was, hey do you believe what she did? Our team gave away many children’s vitamins, Bibles, clothes, shoes, gifts to Pastors what ever we could carry. The pre-packaged communion sets seemed to set the Pastors Conference at a different level when Pastors from different denominations came together it was a memorable moment. I was also able to bring Bibles to give away from our Church Bible ministry. Our ministry hopes to send more Bible to Uganda in the future.

With sadness we left the ministry with Pastor Godfrey and started another exciting week. Our second week with Imelda Bwayo who is the National President of Aglow International in Uganda. Our 10 women team split into 3 teams. My team went to Entebbe, where we stayed in a pastors home, and his neighbor who was a member of the church. Pastor Moses and his wife Martha were wonderful people they completely trusted us to do ministry in their church. They kept us very busy, two Aglow meetings, two Sunday school classes, 3 Sunday Church services, Orphanage visit and ministry to a Pastors group in a three day period. Our team Donna, Phyllis, and I heard testimony of how women lives were forever changed from women of hopelessness to women encouraged, confident, freed in love and power of Christ. The Aglow meetings have provided quite a transformation for them. The Lord graced us with the opportunity of being there at moment when new chapters of Aglow were being formed allowing us speaking at the meetings, pray for attendees and advise newly formed Aglow Chapters (which we call Aglow Lighthouse).

At the Aglow meeting in Uganda as at home we emphasized evangelism, prayer, hearing God’s voice, baptism in the Holy Spirit and many were set free just as when Jesus was preached. Aglow encourages the spiritual gifts mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12:8-10 and 2 Timothy 1:6 as a way to encourage Christians to use the gifts they have, empower them in Christian ministry and to pray in the Holy Spirit as the Lord leads: praying in a heavenly language of tongues.

From Entebbe we went on to the home town of Imelda Bwayo Mbale, where we continued in ministry to a new Aglow group. Our whole team took a morning off to go on a prayer journey to Wanale Summit, a beautiful mountain top then ministered to an Orphanage. While I was in Mbale, Phyllis and I stayed with another Pastor, Pastor Luke. He was very hospitable and a good cook. The many Pastors we met noticed that by grace of the Lord Jesus Christ our Aglow Transformation team came in power, an organization make up of all sorts of Christian denominations with many leading members claiming the status of lay leaders. Aglow started as a women’s movement in the United States to empower the gospel to go forth through women. Now it has entered the world, even men are eager to taken up it’s cause. Aglow International, as I saw first hand, is taking off in Uganda like wild fire.

Thanks go to Pastor Imelda, who was in charge of our second week. We saw so many wonderful thing the Lord was doing in Uganda.
Our whole mission team enjoyed our mission trip so much, even though we had many challenges. Thanks be to God, many people were ministered to.
Thanks be to God for this outreach to Uganda, thanks to the people who supported it.
Holly Lambert

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Letter from Aglow President Imelda of Uganda

Dearest Fran, Elise, Donna, Phyllis, Judy, Robin, Fray, Holly, Jill, Joy,

You and the Transformation Team are still fresh on our memories because you are very warm people. We enjoyed every moment you were with us. We value the work of ministry each one of you served in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to Uganda Aglow ladies and all Ugandan people you fellowshipped with. We also thank you for every help you gave to orphans.

We have dreams that you will in future days visit us again and again. We pray that our dreams will come to pass. We will not get tired of dreaming until you will come again.

We will always give praises to the Lord for the commission, for the protection and the care He gave you while you were here and for the work of ministry well done. We are angels that visited us that we will never forget that were sent from the Lord.

Your coming to Uganda, I am sure will give each one of you a new vision of team work for serving the Lord and His people. We learnt a lot from your team and feel more prepared for missions.

The Lord anoint each one of you and your eyes of understanding with God's wisdom and knowledge for ever and ever.

We Love you.

Pastor Patrick and Pastor Imelda.

Pastor Godfrey -Grace Out Reach Ministry

Pastor Godfrey

Here is report from Pastor Godfrey…..
Hello Fran,
I thought that this can be of encouragement to the headquarter and the team members to know how God used them.Our conference in Kyenjojo was the first to bring together that big number of church leaders in the district, the registration shows that we had 427 church leaders who attended. One of the most significant things about the teaching was that, every one of the women brought the teachings that were needed by the leaders.
After the conference one pastor went home repented before the congregations, of the rift that was between him and his elders, the whole church was in tears, there was God’s presence and repentance from the whole church. This has caused great revival in this church. I got a call from this pastor telling me that, in two years no new member had joined them. But since the end of this conference 13 people have joined them. The conference did not only bring deliverance to the pastor, but the whole church was freed from bondage Praise God. The spirit of strife had bound the church.The crusades had great results. The guy who worked as crusade manager gave a report that over 370 people gave their live to Christ. As you know we had a problem with the rain, but this did not stop souls coming to the kingdom.

Students in different schools had a chance of hearing the gospel a good number open their hearts to Christ. From the prisons I received a letter, the warden was so appreciative, to the team and work done, he made a request that we send them bibles, and if possible we help with blankets. This one need that inmates have nothing to cover at night.

Radio program, through radio we were able to reach 1..5 million people. And the most amazing thing is that after we had left people continued calling the station. Many were giving testimonies of how God had healed them, and many other answered prayer requests. As a result the owner of the radio station has offered us chance to have one hour’s program, twice a week, at the cheapest rate of $ 200 a month. I believe this is a miracle, join us in prayers that God, will give us provisions, so that we will be able to get this money and continue with this radio ministry.

Hoping you will develop better thoughts to include in the report. But am so encouraged to know how my people benefited from our visit to the area. And as I mentioned to you earlier, pastors are asking that we organize another conference next year, I will put this before the Lord so that we may get a team for next year. Hoping you can help to lobbing. My secretaries send the receipt, hoping you will get them Friday.
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Kyenjojo Sewing School

On Tue, 2 Dec 2008 02:08:55 -0800 (PST), "David Busobozi" said:
Dear sister and friend Fran.

Hope you are doing well in the lord.

It was nice having you and the team in Kyenjojo. We are very sure that the lord sent you in time and with a timely message. We loved your teachings and we were blessed so much.We appreciate for the time you put in to visit our tailoring school for the orphaned girls, please we request you to continue praying for the work for it is not easy for us. The girls were so excited and blessed for your prayers and love you shown them, they always give testimony about your visit for the encouragements they got.Please we will be grateful to hear from always.My wife Annette who used to interpret for you sends greetings and we love all the members of the team and the rest in the lord. Pastor David & Annette Busobozi- Kyenjojo town full gospel church.

"David Busobozi"

Summary of Uganda Mission by Team & Pastors

UGANDA November 1-14, 2008

Team Leader: Fran Hallgren

Highlights from the Team


Powerful was His presence in the midst of us as we fasted, prayed, and came to know each other through our conference calls. Anointed was the leadership of Fran and Janet as the many details were communicated to us. We were a Team with a divine mission from the hand of God, submitted to His authority. I am still awed and brought to tears as I recall just how much a Team we were from the moment we met at the airport. Getting to know the heart of each one, hearing their testimonies of Jesus' redeeming love, and witnessing their proclamation of His Word deepened my love for each one – how different, how unique, but one in min, purpose and Spirit. My part in all this seems so small, yet what God did in Uganda with ten ordinary women will always be the highlight of the trip. What a delight and joy were the Ugandans. Warm, welcoming, gentle, and humble from the first embrace at Entebbe Airport. (They were) calm, respectful and so grateful that we would sacrifice our time and funds to come encourage and visit them. Their trust of Jesus in us humbled me over and over. ...I will never be the same...I came to realize the fullness of the power and authority we have as children of God and believers in the redemption of the cross of Christ. Each email from Uganda confirms that the good work begun will continue. I praise God that I was called to be part of this Team that did a transforming work in Uganda. (Joy also kept the receipt book and had a particularly good teaching called: Count It All Joy (Becoming Mature Fruit. Joy also took on the responsibility of heading up Sub-Team C in Mbale).


My passion was going to the orphanages, schools, hospitals and prisons, sharing the Word with the Evangecubes to bring them to salvation. The children were all so beautiful with their beaming smiles. Watching their faces as we did the puppet shows and making bead necklaces with them was heart-wrenching and heart-warming. But, oh! Seeing them raise their little hands to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior was just awesome! The hospital was a hard place. Phyllis, Donna, Elise and myself ministered to the HIV patients, the pregnant women, and all those in the waiting room...with evangecubes followed by the salvation prayer. We prayed individually for them for healing and deliverance of the spirit of death and heaviness. Three of us went to the prison (Holly, Robin and myself). When (the prisoners) came in, both men and women, they all clapped for us. I shared my testimony; Holly did the Evangecube, and Robin showed the Evangecube to the women (who were separated from the men). Most all said the salvation prayer. The men all got down on their knees in the mud for prayer. It was a very humbling experience. They were open to receive the Lord. (Judy met every challenge with grace and excitement. Holy Spirit told me to put her “on the block” to do the message at the first Evangelistic Crusade. She was great! and stretched.)


When we (sub-team A) arrived in Entebbe with Martha and Obed, we had 60 Aglow women waiting for us in the church. We taught them how to receive and minister the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. I felt the Spirit leading me to speak to just the Aglow Officers at another time. Another afternoon we all spoke to the youth; Phyllis giving her testimony and Holly doing the Evangecube. Three young people received a deliverance, including the youth leader. It was about 8:30 or 9:00 pm. Pastor Moses said there were about 50 leaders waiting for us in the church (in Entebbe). God said: Open your mouth and He would fill it. And He did! We encouraged them and believed God was going to raise them up to evangelize other nations. We ended up praying for each one that came forth (and they all did!) The anointing was so strong, I got drunk. After getting to my room, I could not raise off the bed without Holy Spirit laughter. Holly came to get me to come and eat, and I literally could not raise off the bed and she got a dose also. God knows what we need and how to restore. (Donna was invaluable, having been to Africa a few times before. At 78, mature and full of depth, her teachings on Tithing to Freedom and Baptism in the Holy Spirit were important and transforming for all.)


A young lady stopped us on our way to the Kyenjojo hotel and frantically asked us to come pray for her sister. We followed her around the shopping buildings to a little brick building where a beautiful, young African girl looked like she was dying of AIDS. She had an IV in her arm. Oh! The love of Jesus we felt as we ministered to her. At one place, our van was stopped with an urgent request for prayer ; an elderly lady was sitting on a mat at the side of the road, holding her chest. She was complaining of sever chest pain and had an irregular pulse. We prayed for healing in the name of Jesus Christ. Then I asked her how did she feel? The biggest smile came on her face and her eyes lit up! Back at the hotel, Holly and I reflected on how immediately the pain left her and we gave praise to God Almighty for His healing power. (Phyllis was one whose flight was delayed. She reported that though bothersome, there was a purpose. The next day she had a divine appointment on the flight! She shared her testimony and prayed with an African man. Apparently a minister was in front of her and to her side, who heard Phyllis and later remarked “Wow! You shared Jesus in such a loving way. Good job!)


he first church in Mbale was Pastor Rose's, The River of Life. Joy gave her testimony and I preached. The praise and worship was so powerful that it brought the presence of our Lord Jesus in the place. We were standing on holy ground!! We had to fall to our knees because we could not stand. Joy and I prayed and prophesied over every person including all the babies and children. We were so blessed. The last place we shared our Lord, we experienced a lot of spiritual warfare! Satan did not want us there! Pastor Imelda drove us; a long journey. We drove up to a place where we had to come to a stop and a wide board of 3”-4: spikes. (There are police checkpoints here and there in Uganda.) Pastor Imelda did not see them, and drove over the board of spikes. Police officers were bewildered. Normally, if you do not stop behind that board, you are fined. But Pastor Imelda had God's favor. We drove off and continued to drive for another hour. Now, in the natural, the tires should have been shredded!! Yet we drove to our destination and WOW! Only the front right tire was low and not any marks on any of the tires! At that place, then, I preached on the importance of being baptized in the Holy Spirit. Many came forward for salvation and baptism in the Holy Spirit. I led the people in prayer and many began speaking in their heavenly language. There was one man having a difficult time. Pastors helped and prayed. We later found out that this man happened to be the head of witchcraft in his community! Demons manifested and were cast of of many people. Thee was Victory! In the house of God!!! (Robin was a joy and a hoot! Compassion, prayer, joy and submission were her hallmarks.)


On the mountain, Fran had the rooster puppet and drawing the children near with “Jesu akwagala” (Jesus loves you. Suddenly she said “Elise! Get your evangecube!” I did the Cube and led several of these children to Christ right there! The presence of the Holy Spirit was so strong at the conference. That morning, I felt the Lord telling me to do my teaching on Eleven Lies/Eleven Truths about Father God. In the middle of my teaching, about the 8th truth (from Scripture) a person in the back started screaming and groaning. Fran said he lept across several chairs like a leopard. Annette, my interpreter said not to worry, he has demons. That was proof to me that the Truth was being spoken and Satan didn't like it. Other pastors took the man outside for deliverance. It did not really interrupt the meeting at all. A girl, Anna, from one of the worship teams and her friend taught Fran and I an African dance. I hoped she was kidding when she said we were going to dance on stage with them that night at the Crusade! But they weren't kidding. They called us up AND added new steps! I kept bumping into the poor person on my right, but it was a wonderful experience. I was definitely S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-D...but here are some things learned. Trust God; He will show up. Do it afraid. Step out and be bold and courageous and God will do the rest. It's not about me, but God. (Elise was a complete joy to have on this team, always ready and excited to step out in something new, ministry, food, whatever, and she did so with a very humble and teachable spirit.)


The mission trip was very good; the people were very warm and friendly. Good food and good fellowship. The Lord blessed the services – many were saved, healed and set free by the power of God. It was an awesome trip; I would do it again, the Lord willing. We had a great team leader and team that the Lord put together, and great people in Uganda to work with. The people there were ready and hungry for the Lord. Many asked if we were coming again next year. Many pastors visited the homes where we were staying, still seeking teaching about things of God. I am very honored to have been a part of this team. I have been encouraged, blessed and helped tremendously, although stretched at times. This mission is one I will not forget. (Fay was also on the March '08 Philippine team. Faithful, dependable and capable; she is able to speak to large groups and small, always giving God full honor for His work in any meeting.)

Jill Torgerson

During the last leg of our trip, four of us went many, many miles over pot-holed roads along with Imelda to a little village which was just being established. The concrete venue had never been used for a Christian meeting before. Immediately we noticed witchcraft articles (bags of charms/items) hanging from the rafters, windows, etc. We knew right away that we had to do some major spiritual warfare before we could meet-so we spent 45 minutes cleansing it, commanding evil spirits to flee. When the meeting got underway, the first speaker had a hard time 'breaking through' due to so many we (decided) on a praise/worship session, claiming the Blood of Jesus, etc. Finally, we broke through and the people came forward for ministry. Many deliverances, salvations, baptisms in the Spirit resulting. The Holy Spirit moved in a major, powerful way. One man who came forward said he wanted to be baptized in the Holy Spirit – so we prayed for him. Nothing happened, so I asked him to raise his hands and praise Jesus, which he could not do. Then he started writhing like a snake, foaming at the mouth and body contorting. I asked one of the local Pastors to take over, as they preferred to have men minister to men, especially in deliverance. After a time, the man was delivered and the spiritual leaders in the town rejoiced as he was the main leader for the witchcraft clan in the city! Now he was set free and God was glorified! (Jill had a notable teaching on personal prophetic declaration, where she used a slingshot to shoot 'declarations' into the air and then invited some of the people to come forward and do the same. Great!)

Holly Lambert

Uganda is one of the poorest nations in the world. One of the best things we brought with us was HOPE, but this did not diminish the importance of daily miracles. Just our very presence brought the people of Uganda hope. Our total mission was focused on ministry, which did not leave time to see large game or gorillas. The best way I can describe our schedule was some kind of time warp in which you might say “How could that mission team have done so much?” Because of the intensity of this mission, let me just share something that really stuck in my mind besides visiting all the childrens at schools and orphanages where our hears were stolen by the children singing. Robin, Judy and I agreed to go do a jail ministry. It was a distance, and I wondered how they know where they are going with no road signs. We started out on one of the few paved roads, but then onto a dirt pot-hole road, then another, and another! Some roads were not much more than two tire tracks. As we finally approached the jail, we stopped for prayer. The head jailer was not pleased with our arrival...nevertheless, he allowed us in. Judy is what I call an expert in jail ministry. She gave a testimony and I gave a salvation message. The men responded to the message of Christ's forgiveness and bowed their heads, praying that Christ would enter their lives. It was a powerful time as we saw hardened prisoners with new expressions on their faces. All but two received Christ! Meanwhile, Robin met with the (smaller population) of women. Thanks be to God for the wonderful mission we had. (Holly also got her feet 'wet' in the Philippines '08 mission. She is full of the Spirit, but also level-headed. And no one can match Holly when it comes to quoting Scripture with FIRE!)

Uganda National Aglow Leader, Imelda Bwayo and husband Patrick along with many of the National Board and other pastors at Victory PartyImelda: “I thank God for the great ministry and the transformation Spirit from the Lord that followed the Team as they ministered in the various places. The Lord was able to do wonders through the team. The evil one fought tooth and nail, but we were more than conquerors in Christ Jesus. “Aglow is on demand by men and women everywhere in the country. The ministry is going to explode! Generally the mission was very powerful and transforming. Many of us will never be the same. We really praise and thank God for blessing us.” These next comments were emailed to me from various Ugandan and Kenyan pastors: .

Pastor David Busobozi “We are very sure that the Lord sent you in time and with a timely message. We loved your teachings and were blessed so much....the girls (at our school) were so excited and blessed by your prayers and love you shown them. They always give testimony about your visit for the encouragements they got.” .

Pastor Paul: “Thank you for saying yes to the Lord to come. Your coming has done a lot in the hearts of my people, in the land, to business men, to families who have seen how women can stand and do the great work for the kingdom of God. ...level of anointing so your coming has changed many things spiritually, some of which cannot be easily seen by our naked eyes.” .

Pastor James Wanyonyi: “You were a blessing to us and the teachings you gave are foundational to us in Kenya. Thank you for the wonderful teachings you have brought to us. I am printing them out and will teach them at my church. The Kenyan church loves you so much. We praise God for you and your (team).”

Pastor David Mukisa: I am very happy to reach you the good news about the meeting which you held together with us in November 12th . It was a great deal! Praise the Almighty. Amen. Secondly, we were invited to open 6 Aglow chapters in Pallisa District and in Budaka District, so we are still in need of your prayers and support so that we may be able to serve the Lord and to accomplish the vision of Aglow International in Uganda. .

Excerpts from The Circular of Our Appreciationand the way forward in Aglow International as Kabwangasi ChapterOur dear friends, we would like to let you know our determination with the voice which we have as Kabwangasi as a Chapter. Since Aglow meetings began in 2003 in Kabwangasi Sub-county as a whole, we have received many different testimonies and changes which Aglow International has done in women, it has encouraged women to approach their fellow women who are unbelievers, to be determined and get devoted in God's word through your seminars in our area and not only in the spirit but also physical help like the gifts of nets* you sent. Therefore as Kabwangasi Aglow Women, we reach this message to appreciate our dear visitors Aglow Transformation ministry from USA for that great love shown to us. Our vision to come up with a strong urge to serve the Lord with a faithful heart through meetings, door to door evangelism and to hold two general seminars every year. We also hope to be inviting our neighboring sub-counties to benefit together with us. Finally...we believe Aglow ministry to cover the whole district of Pallisa and others around us for women to shine in Uganda as a whole, as women in USA shine. (* the nets are through Fran Lance's Aglow ministry there.)

by Fran Hallgren